Land Castle Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: December 6, 2024
Our organizers have worked tirelessly on planning this event and we know it’s going to be a one-of-a-kind occasion. Take a look at this section to find out some answers to the questions we get asked every year.
We want you to have the best time at our event, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or special requests.
Pets / Dogs
Land Castle 2025 - Hutchinson, MN
Dogs will not be allowed inside any of the buildings, or the main event area due to folks not following the rules at the Winsted location (many dogs were being brought through the vendor area).
With the expected increase of people, there is far too much that can go wrong and it exposes our event to liability that isn't worth gambling on.
Of course, limited exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.
Dogs in the campground is something we will make a final decision on after we consult with our insurance and the county. As of now, they WILL be welcome in the campground only.
Water, Power, Sewer, Trash
Land Castle's campground area is set up in the southwest parking area of the McLeod County Fairgrounds - in the middle of a wide open grass field. We do not have options for water, power, or sewer for your camper. If you need your tank emptied while at Land Castle, Mini-Biff of Hutchinson will be who you need to contact.
We do have portable toilets on the grounds for you to use as well as dumpsters provided for trash.
There are also going to be public bathrooms and showers on the event grounds.